Google helpful content update - Better ranking of original and quality content

 This has always been Google's vision and we as SEOs have always tried to cut corners.

1.Update after update there were less corners to cut and this seems like a fatal blow to all those SEOs left who try to save on using real expertise, authority and trust.

2.With the rollout of the helpful content update, the only tried and tested way to win is:

  1. Your content should be high quality, written by real experts - AI generated content could potentially lose ground and the author's experience (and you showcasing it via author "cv" pages) is more important than ever
  2. The products you're writing about should be tried and tested - be VERY transparent about your methodology, tell people how you've gathered the information and what makes it trustworthy
  3. No more aggregated reviews - your review must be original and not formulated from different sources. You must bring something original to the table

3."Our testing has found it will especially improve results related to online education, as well as arts and entertainment, shopping and tech-related content."

  • Following the most recent reviews update, this will very likely clean up many low quality affiliate websites from the search results.

  • If you don't want that to happen to you, think fast and invest in the quality of your content and writers. Investing in expertise, is no longer an exclusive to YMYL sites.



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