
Crawled - Currently Not Indexed

 What Google's official document says about "Crawled - currently not indexed": "The page was crawled by Google but not indexed. It may or may not be indexed in the future; no need to resubmit this URL for crawling." Source: Case1: I don't want to index these pages (Category, Tag, Dev & Feed): these pages are already marked as "no-index" in the Meta robots tag. ttps:// https://sc...

Discovered - Currently Not Indexed

This is a great example of just that how to fix the “Discovered – Currently Not Indexed” status.  The error message was "Discovered - currently not indexed" for the post - , when analyzed the URL by "URL inspection tool" in Google search console.  The blog post is published on 7 June 2022 . But the blog is not indexed in Google around 80 days . As Google documentation says , "Discovered - currently not indexed" - Quoted: "The page was found by Google, but not crawled yet. Typically, Google wanted to crawl the URL but this was expected to overload the site ; therefore Google rescheduled the crawl. This is why the last crawl date is empty on the report." Sorted out all possible reasons for excluded page: Step1: Analyzed the crawlability of the post is fine and checked for the http headers, meta for robots (“noindex” tags if any) a...

Website Log File Analysis used for in SEO

 Log file analysis is used to identify that we see exactly how Googlebot (and other web crawlers and users) interacts with our website. It gives us valuable insights that can helps to identify the problems surrounding the crawling & indexing of our webpages. Within a log file, we’ll find data including : The URL of the page or resource being requested The HTTP status code of the request The IP address of the request server A timestamp of the hit (time and date) The user agent making the request (e.g., Googlebot) The method of the request (GET/POST) Log File Analysis Used for in SEO How frequently Googlebot is crawling our site, and it’s most important pages (and whether they’re being crawled at all) and identifying pages that aren’t often crawled Identifying our most commonly crawled pages and folders. Whether our site’s crawl budget is being wasted on irrelevant pages. Find URLs with parameters that are being crawled unnecessarily. If our site has moved over to mobile-firs...