
How Google Search Algorithms Works

How Google Search algorithms Work: The ranking systems are made up of not one, but a whole series of algorithms. To give you the most useful information, Search algorithms look at many factors, including the words of your query, relevance and usability of pages, expertise of sources, and your location and settings. The key factors that help determine which results are returned for your query: Meaning of your query - To return relevant results for your query, we first need to establish what information you’re looking forーthe intent behind your query. Understanding intent is fundamentally about understanding language, and is a critical aspect of Search. We build language models to try to decipher what strings of words we should look up in the index. Relevance of webpages - Next, algorithms analyze the content of webpages to assess whether the page contains information that might be relevant to what you are looking for. Quality of content - Beyond matching the words in your qu...

Nice clarification on 302 v 301

SEO point of view - 302 and 301 Source -

RankBrain and Neural matching

How neural matching differs from RankBrain In summary: -- RankBrain helps Google better relate pages to concepts -- Neural matching helps Google better relate words to searches. And there's nothing special searchers or webmasters need to do. These are part of our core systems designed to naturally increase understanding. 1.RankBrain is an AI-based system Google began using in 2016 to understand how pages are related to concepts. It means we can better return relevant pages even if they don’t contain the exact words used in a search, by understanding the page is related to other words & concepts 2.Neural matching is an AI-based system Google began using in 2018 primarily to understand how words are related to concepts. It's like a super-synonym system. Synonyms are words that are closely related to other words... Source:

Many Websites Have Crawl Errors

I see this kind of question several times a week; you’re not alone - many websites have crawl errors.  1) 404 errors on invalid URLs do not harm your site’s indexing or ranking in any way. It doesn’t matter if there are 100 or 10 million, they won’t harm your site’s ranking.   2) In some cases, crawl errors may come from a legitimate structural issue within your website or CMS. How you tell? Double-check the origin of the crawl error. If there's a broken link on your site, in your page's static HTML, then that's always worth fixing. (thanks + Martino Mosna ) 3) What about the funky URLs that are “clearly broken?” When our algorithms like your site, they may try to find more great content on it, for example by trying to discover new URLs in JavaScript. If we try those “URLs” and find a 404, that’s great and expected. We just don’t want to miss anything important (insert overly-attached Googlebot m...

Google Removed Review from Your Listing

Following are a few factors that are likely to cause reviews to be removed: URLs (website addresses) in the body or name. The person who wrote the review is a manager of your page or works for you. The person wrote the review from the same device & IP address that you sign into to manage your local listing. The person wrote the review from the same device and IP address as other users who left you reviews. The person tried to post a review for you several times on different dates (Example: they wrote one August 5 and it got filtered so they tried again on October 10). Your listing has received a lot of reviews within a short amount of time (often associated with "bulk" email review acquisition campaigns) The person reviewing you has also reviewed multiple other businesses with the same name (if you have several locations and they reviewed all of them). If the reviews aren’t specific & unique to the location, they may be filtered. This can also happen if you h...

Different Situation in Google My Business Listing - Q and A

An interesting and different situation in Google My Business Listing i.e., I've tried to answer for the question. However, my answer is not showing up on Google my business listing. I've tried several times, but it's the same result. My Answer is not visible because of  email id within an answer . I got solution from Google Advertiser Community -

Enable and Disable AMP in WordPress Without Affecting SEO

If you are lots of potential issues which arise after using AMP. Here is the simple step to enable and disable AMP in Wordpress. No need to worry about these steps Remove the link rel="amphtml" from the non-amp pages. Set NOINDEX for AMP pages By default, It will redirect from AMP to Non-AMP and disappeared the link rel="amphtml" tag.