
Worked for Client Wikipedia Page

It is really new experience for me to work on the Wikipedia page. Before the update of client Wikipedia Page After the update of client Wikipedia Page

Ganapathy - Google AdWords Exam

Passed the Google AdWords certification - Fundamentals and Search Advertising.

Common Redirect Mistakes to Avoid During SSL Installation from HTTP to HTTPS.

I would like to share one of my client's website's four types of redirect mistakes while they were redirecting after SSL installation from HTTP to HTTPS: Consolidated Redirect Mistake:  Subpage URLs redirected from is redirecting to instead of Partially Redirected to SSL: Not all website elements were properly redirected to the new HTTPS URLs, including image URLs, CSS, and JavaScript files, among others. Multiple Versions: The developer failed to set up 301 redirects for multiple URL versions, including HTTP to HTTPS, non-www to www, index.html, and index.aspx. 302 Redirect Mistake: Another mistake is a 302 redirect implemented on Pothys' site. Generally, it is not recommended for redirecting HTTP URLs to HTTPS URLs. A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect, and search engines may not update their index to reflect the new HTTPS URLs. I identified these issues and succes...

PR Distribution of My Client

Know About Index Status HTTP to HTTPS

The Index Status feature now tracks your site’s indexed URLs for each protocol (HTTP and HTTPS) as well as for verified subdirectories. If you have a website on HTTPS or if some of your content is indexed under different subdomains, you will see a change in the corresponding Index Status reports. HTTP site’s Index Status showing drop From http To https HTTPS site’s Index Status showing increase From http To https Source -

Google - Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 23January2016

I have just seen new option that Accelerated Mobile Pages under Search Appearance in Google Search Console, one of my working project by today 23January2016. AMP Accelerated mobile pages - is about solving the speed on the mobile web even if the internet slow connection devices also. AMP is an open-source architecture for fast mobile-optimized content. It’s based on AMP HTML, a restricted subset of HTML, and a well-defined set of custom elements and JavaScript-based components. The result is an incredibly fast browsing experience that loads minimal data over the network. Source -

Meaning of Spammy Backlinks

Some simple tip that will help you identify if the links being built for your site are valuable or spammy. Backlinks In fact, that is  how Google is able to spot spammy links. Google can track if users click on a link and evaluate what percentage of people that visit a page actually click on the backlink. The more people that click and stay the better quality the link is. That makes sense right? Conversely, the more people that visit the page and do not click on the link gives a hint to Google that the link is relatively useless. To more details visit source -  seohermit This is proof that Google can identify spammy links and quality links. Think before you link! Types of Link Spam 1.Cleansing Domains 2. Blog Networks & Poorly Executed Guest Blogs 3. Article Marketing Spam 4. Single-Post Blogs 5. (Paid) Site-Wide Links 6. Paid Links in Content 7. Link Exchanges, Wheels, etc. 8. Low-Quality Press Release Syndication 9. Linkbait and Switch 10. Directo...