
Static Vs Dynamic URL

What is a static URL?   A static URL is one that does not change, so it typically does not contain any url parameters. It can look like this: You can search for static URLs on Google by typing   filetype:htm   in the search field. Updating these kinds of pages can be time consuming, especially if the amount of information grows quickly, since every single page has to be hard-coded. This is why webmasters who deal with large, frequently updated sites like online shops, forum communities, blogs or content management systems may use dynamic URLs. What is a dynamic URL? If the content of a site is stored in a database and pulled for display on pages on demand, dynamic URLs maybe used. In that case the site serves basically as a template for the content. Usually, a dynamic URL would look something like this: . You can spot dynamic URLs ...

New Search Analytics Report Now at Webmastertool

Web site owners now completely track their website by New search analytics report at webmaster tool that you need a deep understanding of how users find your site and how your content appears in Google's search results. Search Analytics Report at Webmaster The following things are 1.Compare traffic on desktop and mobile 2.To compare metrics in different countries 3.Two different time frames 4.Click, Impression, CTR, and Positions 5.Queries, Pages, Countries, Devices, Search type web, and we can set the date range also. Source -

Meaning of NoFollow

Google search algorithm depends heavily on the number of links to a website when determining which websites should be listed in what order in their search results for any given term. Now, however, new information suggests that Google search engines will depend less on links in the future and more on other aspects such as mentioned that don't include links. The Nofollow is a value of HTML attribute was originally used to stop comment spam in blogs. It is entirely effected blogging community. Actually, it instructs some search engines that the hyperlink should not influence the ranking of the link's target in the search engine's index and Not follow in order to maximize the PageRank of the other pages. You can easily instruct robots not to crawl a specific link. For example:  <a href="signin.php" rel="nofollow">sign in</a> Source -

Anyone Promise Guaranteed Search Engine Rankings

Reputable SEO companies don't promise guaranteed search engine rankings Source -

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Dislike Things on Facebook

Nowadays, major questions from people that was a good one:   is Facebook thinking about adding a dislike button? Zuckerberg said that it’s something that gets discussed a lot at the company. He doesn’t think there needs to be a voting mechanism or even a  specific  dislike button, but instead more sentiments for situations where you might not want to “like” something. 1.Facebook is seen as a waste of time. How can you fix this? Zuckerberg didn’t agree that it’s about wasting time; 2.How come there are so many updates to the Facebook privacy policy? Zuckerberg answered that it’s for a lot of reasons, sometimes for explaining how its products tie together and share data (like Messenger, for example). Source -  

Search Engines for Blocked Site on May2014

Search engines blocked websites For more information checkout(Yahoo) - and Details on Google -